Tag Archives: Support

Taking a Moment

28 Jan

Over the weekend I received a message from a friend saying that she had to terminate her pregnancy. She was at 12 weeks. Her and her husband already have beautiful children, I mean, they are poster child good looking kids. They have been trying for a another for some time, they ran into a road block, tackled the road block and then got pregnant. She has been an encouraging force in my own life. She has told me to fight for my appointment if I believe something is wrong. She has shared her struggles with me. She has been real. And she has been very helpful to me.

Her husband and her found out that the baby was not forming properly and had to make a decision. No one should ever have to make that decision. But we have all been there. I can remember it was a decision that was made for me, within 5 minutes, it was a blur. Only after do you realize that the emotional pain hurts far worse than any physical pain. And while some may not have scars to show our wounds, our heart aches and breaks over and over again.

I am asking you all to send out positive thoughts into the universe, light a candle, remember your struggles and the struggles of others. We are not alone in this journey. There are others out there that have the same path that we are taking. Some fall, we need to help them up. Others Fly, we need to support them.  Please take a moment to remember though and help someone that has fallen and has lost.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Obscure Vermont

Weirdness, Esoterica and Forsaken Places in and around Vermont

Our Little Geekling

One geeky couple's long road to parenthood